Analysis of Grades FLEMING

Analysis of Final Exam Scores and Semester Grades

  There were 52 students in STAT112 this semester. The descriptive statistics of the grades are as follows:
The 95% CI about the mean for the Spring 2018 Final Exam is: (72, 80). 
The mean and median for the Final Exam are 76.13 and 78.5.
The 95% CI about the mean for the semester grades is: (74, 93).
The mean and median for the semester grades are 84.19 and 84, respectively.
The top six scores on the Final Examination are: 104 101 97 96 95 95 
The top six semester scores are: 104 102 101 99 98 96 

The histogram of the semester scores shows a distribution which favors the high end of the grading scale.

A noteworthy relationship can be observed in the plot of the
Semester Scores and the average Quiz score. The plot shows that a linear
relationship exits between Semester Scores and the average Quiz score. We
learned in STAT2112 that by means of the method of least squares, it is
possible to test the hypothesis that the slope equals zero versus the
alternative that it does not equal zero. The F statistic, as you might imagine,
is very large. In other words, there is evidently an inherent relation between
doing the quizzes well and getting a good semester grade.

Included in the plot of semester scores vs quiz average is the
classroom attendance. Though I do not take roll call, I do make an informal
record of attendance. Those blue points on the plot correspond to the ranking
of the top fifteen students. The top ten students missed a total of 9 classes,
whereas the bottom 10 students marked by red points missed 28 classes. There
appears to be a strong correlation between attendance and semester grades.
Notwithstanding the existence of confounding factors like enthusiasm, the high
positive correlation between grades and attendance reflects my efforts to
design assignments which favor those students who attend class as I forwarned
in my first lecture.

Another useful correlation is the one between quiz scores and everything else
like computer assignments and exam scores.
A noteworthy feature of this plot is the strong linear relation between quiz
scores and other assignments. From an instructor's perspective, the linear
relation indicates consistency between quizzes, computer assignments, and
examination; they are integrated with one another.