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carved ivory house on the rock 5641 10jul23

carved_ivory_house_on_the_rock_5641_10jul23.jpg figurehead house on the rock 5580 10jul23縮略圖31 great hypostyle hall karnak temple luxor 8855 10nov23figurehead house on the rock 5580 10jul23縮略圖31 great hypostyle hall karnak temple luxor 8855 10nov23figurehead house on the rock 5580 10jul23縮略圖31 great hypostyle hall karnak temple luxor 8855 10nov23figurehead house on the rock 5580 10jul23縮略圖31 great hypostyle hall karnak temple luxor 8855 10nov23figurehead house on the rock 5580 10jul23縮略圖31 great hypostyle hall karnak temple luxor 8855 10nov23figurehead house on the rock 5580 10jul23縮略圖31 great hypostyle hall karnak temple luxor 8855 10nov23figurehead house on the rock 5580 10jul23縮略圖31 great hypostyle hall karnak temple luxor 8855 10nov23